
We are proud to present work & people productive in the community that inspires us, paves a way toward thriving & aspiration for change.

This, is what good looks like.

That's a wrap!

A cheerful round off from the delivery team.

Thriving Infrastructure phase four completion report showcases highlights from the project and a few words from our fearless delivery leader; Charlene Donald.

~ 4 min read

Changemaker: Sam Wiffen

The underground’s the limit.

Sam – or “Wiff” as he’s known in the industry is a self-described curious cat, with an aversion to the “we’ve always done it that way” approach to infrastructure. 

~ 4 min read

Meeting all the milestones with Te Ahu a Turanga

An award-winning approach to working with local iwi

~ 4 min read

On the ground

Weather-blasted East Coast infrastructure have given key government advisers insights which will help shape work on recovery and resilience. 

~ 4 min read

Stop go gives way!

How collaboration between a council and a major contractor is making roadworks more cost-effective, productive and safer for workers.

~ 4 min read

Changemaker: Kat Kaiwai

She’s a key player in the Thriving Infrastructure group now testing the Toolbox app in the East Coast area.

~ 4 min read

Shared pathway trials new approach to infrastructure builds

How changing their procurement process helped one Council fast track a new shared pathway for local walkers and cyclists.

~ 4 min read

Hard hats and lipstick help build new civil construction app

Learn how lives are being made easier with the Toolbox app for small to medium size businesses

~ 4 min read

Thriving Infrastructure Project Overview

What is this Thriving Infrastructure Project thing?

~ 6 min read


