In this community...
Learn about what the community is doing and the ambitious missions & experiments they’ve shaped towards big challenges.
The community works on a build to learn approach, prioritising rapid learning and a bias towards action.
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Get inspired!
On our quest for endemic community action this series of podcasts and inspirational content is curated to lift our thinking and help us re-frame the challenges we face towards thriving.
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We are proud to present work produced by the community that inspires us, paves a way toward thriving & aspiration for change.
This, is what good looks like!
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Join in!
We’re actively seeking people to shape change in the infrastructure sector of New Zealand.
There are lots of entry points people can make all the difference with their ideas, experience & expertise; from procurement, accounting, designers and more...
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The Movement
WorkSafe Innovation team and MBIE Accord for Construction have collaborated to sponsor the Thriving Infrastructure project. Thriving Infrastructure project is bringing together a diverse group of people, from procurement to those building our infrastructure, to collaboratively maximise positive outcomes of work. To address the systemic challenges of a fragmented system, low profitability for some, cyclical boom-bust periods, and inconsistent procurement and risk management practices, we need to leverage our collective capacity for coordinated change.
The aim of this project is to test if we can unlock new pathways for creating a thriving infrastructure sector by connecting multiple agencies to co-create and test new practices around a common purpose. The community have formed missions and experiments to test new pathways. WorkSafe are invested in this because it is expected a thriving infrastructure will deliver better health and safety outcomes.